
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Being Armenian

Such a common question, where you are from?- asked every time people hear my accent. And I say I am from Armenia. And when I see the confused look in the eyes and I can "hear them thinking", I start explaining what it means being Armenian. If people have religious background, then I tell them that it is place where according to the legend Noah's Arc had landed on the mountain of Ararat in the land of Armenia. If people are into history, then I explain to them about Roman Empire and Persian wars and how Armenia was always on the maps and part of the biggest empires in the world sometimes split between two at the same time until we finally decided to come up with our own religion and language to preserve the nation and culture to move through the centuries as one of the most ancient countries in the world. If people are into sports, then I remind them about one of the greatest tennis players in the world: Andre Agassi and tell them that he is Armenian, or hundreds athletes from USSR who shined on Olympic and World Stages. If people like music then I bring up Sher and Aznavur or Khachatrian if classical music is what moves them in life. If sensitive topics spark their brains and they are into controversial discussions then I tell them that the famous Doctor Death- Kevorkian was also Armenian. And if nothing else works, then I know that reality shows and yellow press scandals have mentioned enough of Kardashyan sisters, for people to know that they are also Armenians. The list can go on... But in reality through out the years through good, bad and ugly I think it is always important to remember that Armenians have changed in last 100 years! Because no matter where we went and what we had achieved, 100 years ago history of our people was painted in red.... Armenian Genocide- so much was said about it and so many deniers are still out there and political games and money still control consciousness of countries in power who could not acknowledge the tragedy that took lives of 2 000 000 people because of cowards, politics, interests and whatever it is that stops civilized world from acknowledging one of the biggest crimes in the world. Justice will be served one day, of that I am sure... but today being Armenian means taking a moment to remember 1915.... Remembering when evil empire decided to turn against their own citizens and kill bloodily innocent women, children, men and elderly.... Slaughter, Starvation and Hate; hate that carried through the years and until it is acknowledged and memories of victims are respected by all and not only a few with consciousness, this hate will carry on through the years.... I hope one day I will see Turkey taking responsibility for their actions and millions of people killed getting their justice. Until then, all we have are memories of those taken away from us almost 100 years ago. No matter where you are and who you are, being Armenian on this April day means pausing for a minute of silence, lighting a candle and saying loud and clear that they are not forgotten and that the fight continues... no matter where we are, what we have achieved and who we have become... until then Rest In Peace

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

In the streets of NYC

Walking down the street and chewing on samosa , I was typing a witty message to a friend when my thoughts were rudely interrupted by “Big Butt!!”… I stopped and looked around and sure enough he was staring at me with this macho smile and look like I was one of the website girls who kept posting their spandex wrapped big booties on line and I should have been happy with the comment. I walked by… and suddenly I realized that for past two weeks I had the weirdest people coming up to me with the most weirdest phrases and I thought- is it me? Oh, how I missed the street of NYC- it was not me- it was the fact that I finally got out in the street and stopped driving from door to door and living Buffy Life from dusk to dawn. That and the spring in the air and the general happiness of mine- only sporadically interrupted by splashes of depression due to over-thinking, drama and life-happens-shit generally. By the New Yorkers, never let me down and if I find a minute to walk two three blocks there is always something happening, that reminds me that there is always a better outlook – all it takes is a positive thought. Today fro example, except the compliment to my big butt, I was told Good Morning with very meaningful smile from a dude right before I entered the deli, yesterday I was told by another weirdo “You are very beautiful, even though you have a real bad hair day” – to which all I had to say was- dude, did you have to point out the obvious? And then I kept touching my hair throughout the day- but there was little I could do, I did have a very bad hair day.

The other masterpiece was a guy, who works for me, telling me that with the short haircut I now look like Kim Kardashian – to which I said only that I did not realize that she had short hair- NOT, I guess it was the famous butt again. And then there was a random stranger following me in the street yesterday when I told me if I could enter his number into my phone so that we could go for dinner one day. Funny….. except the part where I did give in and gave him my number. That actually worries me because there are guys around the city with my phone number and my block list just keeps on growing but let’s stay focused.  Then a guy asking me in the store if I enjoyed the highline because he saw me having lunch there and couple more odd and weird things but it made me think about couple of things:

First of all that I am pretty and have a nice butt – oh jeez I am sure there is no need to blog about that but on the days when you are blue, even that cheers up and changes perspective. Second of all that to be in a good mood you just have to walk down the streets of Gotham with the right attitude and you will be in happy mood in no time.

Most importantly it reminded me that not only sometimes but all the time it is about our attitude towards life. We can be pissed at a homeless guy that he tells us we are pretty thinking :what a jerk, how dare he- such a lowlife” or…… say, look, I am pretty, and even this fellow New Yorker with much on his mind takes a minute to notice- smile and make this city a kinder place.

I love getting back in touch with the city that inspires me so much! Walking, working, dancing, dining, shopping, brooding – whatever it is we choose to do, if we listen carefully, focus on positive and enjoy every day- we will discover how many amazing things happen to us every day and how many people can step in our lives – even if it is for a brief second and with “vulgar” compliment and make it all brighter and better!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Women and religion

In USA that is ruled and guided my Christianity and often it is hard for people to find separation of church and government even though this was set forth by founding father- the values of different religions but dominantly so of Christianity often rule our every day lives. States make laws and people loose right based on what a book written hundreds years ago thinks is right and wrong. I am not going to tell you anything on matter of God and Bible or Koran. That’s not the point, even though I have a lot to say on that. This is more on the thought I shared with several friends and men especially who have disagreed or agreed – but mostly reluctantly.

Here it is:

No self respecting, free woman, educated and equal should be part of any organized religion. Because religion is its origins and it’s main purpose was the driving vehicle discriminating women for ages and still continues having a major impact on choice and freedom.

The best argument in defense I have heard so far is that women love to be oppressed – really? You gotta be kidding me. Because it’s like south states saying that slaves liked being slaves. Just because people have grown in culture of oppression and are afraid to go out and try things on their own, it does not mean they don’t need to be free. Years after- we know that no one wants to be enslaved and there is no good reason for that.

Women grow up told that they depend on men, feminism is looked at as a plague. Religion controls women and teaches us how to be good wives.  Business world pays us less, demands more and does not like the fact they cannot reply on us when we have babies and have to be out of work. Women are raped, used and discriminated all of the world even in developed and progressive countries like USA, men think they know better what’s good for our vagina.  And millions of women grow up and don’t think about fighting it, don’t want to fight or don’t know how. And when they do then they are demonized, singled out and like in good old times- burnt publicly.

Where does religion come in all this? Religion is the root of all evil. If it was not up to religion, this discrimination would be fought off long ago. And it is time for women to understand it, accept it, and make the change. If not for them, but for million of our daughters to come. We are resilient, strong, smart and pretty much good at everything we do. 

To be continued….

I have to run for another men dominated activity: dancing LOL

The idea

I am sure that this is not something new, and hundreds of women are blogging on issues that are related to women in general, feminism, equality and rights. This blog is going to have a little bit of that. However, the main purpose is to explore my opinion on this matter and not being influenced by anything else. I have my own values and set of believes that shape the person I am today.  A good friend told me it would be worth to put it all in writing. So here comes my experiment. Feedback is welcome, criticism not so much- well there is no point in criticizing- blogs are people’s opinion- you can agree or disagree but there is little to criticize.